
Farbe’s Fleet Service  is continuously searching for a variety of repairable vehicles for our customers. Often we get request from people to buy our cars without inspection. We always instruct customers to personally inspect any vehicle they are interested in. Bringing a body man or mechanic is always welcome. Although we try to have pictures showing the condition of our vehicles you might see something we missed. Unlike some auctions we do our best to show all the damage and not just the flattering shots.

We will sell vehicles only when the paperwork arrives and not sooner. Like wise we get the price when this happens.

Inventory changes quickly check back often to get the best deal.

Below are a few vehicles in inventory. Click on any photo for vehicle information and photos.


Thanks Farbe’s

Some terms used in describing vehicle condition.

Yard drive able – Does move under own power but may not be safe for street use. Runs – Engine does start but does not move for some reason ( fluid leak , suspension damage )  




Available Inventory


Kubota ZD326 Zero Turn

For more pictures click here


2017 Nissan Rogue



2012 Hyundai Tuscon Limited

Click here for more information.


Toys and Fun Stuff


2016 Honda Pilot parts Left Qtr glass,Left door panel, new wheel.

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